208.375.5000 info@hydroblend.com

Fluid Powered Chemical Dispensing Systems

International Corp.

Since 1974, Hydroblend has been the most trusted name in chemical dilution.

"Build it strong,

keep it simple

make it work..."

Leroy Grummond 1895-1992


We're happy to assist you with your particular requirements.

Contact Us


Hydroblend Worldwide

Hydroblend International Corporation is a manufacturer of precise, durable, fluid powered chemical proportioning pumps. The company was founded in 1974 and has a manufacturing plant in Boise, Idaho and sales offices in Boise and Denver. It is a privately held company distributing pumps worldwide through a variety of distributors and chemical manufacturers. At this time we are represented in over 50 countries.

Should you wish to receive more information about any of our products, please feel free to contact Hydroblend International directly, or one of our authorized dealers below:

Authorized Dealers:


Glavitech b.v.
Pieter Glavimans
Denise Noordermeer

Pampus 22
3251 ND Stellendam
The Netherlands

Phone: +31 (0) 187 491533
Fax: +31 (0) 187 493599
Email: info@glavitech.com
Website: www.glavitech.com

Egor Pravilov

Katusepapi 4, Tallinn
11412, Harjumaa

Phone: +372 6008211
Fax: +372 6008211
Email: info@easycut.ee
Website: www.easycut.ee/et


EIS Process Ltd
Chaim Simon Etan

59/2 Nah'al Soreq St. 7170755

Phone: 08-9707144
Fax: 077-5558276
Email: etanch@gmail.com
Website: www.eis.org.il


MPLEX Technology Sdn Bhd
Vincent Ang

No. 18, Jalan Sungai Tiram 7
Mutiara Light Industrial Park 11920
Bayan Lepas, Penang

Phone: +604-6374233
Fax: +604-6374533
Email: info@mplexgroup.com
Website: https://www.mplexgroup.com


iChem New Zealand
Brendon Blackwood-Moles

31 Corric Hill
Torbay, Auckland 0630
New Zealand

Phone: +64 (0) 21 457 587
Email: brendon@ichem.co.nz
Website: www.ichem.co.nz